quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2020



Minha participação ontem (09/12/2020) no The Fifth CCS Satellite Symposium on Complex Systems and Education: Research and Practice com uma apresentação oral sobre a "Abordagem Complexa de Ensino e Aprendizagem de Lingua (ACEAL)" (BORGES; PAIVA, 2011; BORGES, 2015).

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2020

Purpose of the Satellite

In recent years, there has been a steady progress in the use of principles of complexity theory in educational research, resulting in a greater emphasis in such research on time sensitive processes to describe system maintenance and transformation, the assertion and reinforcement of social networks structures in educational settings, such as classrooms and parent-child interactions, and research that is specific to the dynamics of nonlinear transformation, such as catastrophic changes and hysteresis. There has also been a proliferation of work on the improvement of educational practice using complexity theory, work that views the system that provide the context for practitioners’ work in terms of complexity, and the opportunities it creates for instructors and educational leaders to nurture creativity in novel ways. Finally, introducing and teaching complexity concepts in primary and secondary school settings has its own potential to enhance student understanding of various topics in science, mathematics, social studies and even language.

This satellite follows the success of its past editions and seeks to reinforce these developments through the presentation of new research and new practical applications of complexity theory in education. We seek to enrich participants’ conference experience by engaging them in discussions of the application of complex dynamical systems in educational research and the improvement of educational practice. The participants will discuss how future research should embrace and operationalize complexity in education and further develop the conceptual and empirical frameworks that could guide productive research in this area in the future, thus adding to the interdisciplinary character of the CCS conference. The satellite will be a day-long session with a varied program and great network opportunities.

Abstracts Submission

Send a 300 word abstract in WORD or PDF file by e-mail to one of the organizers: 

Matthijs Koopmans (mkoopmans@mercy.edu), 

Hiroki Sayama (sayama@binghamtom.edu) or Dimitrios Stamovlasis (stadi@edlit.auth.gr)

Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2020

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2020

Participação via Google Meet em:

INSCRIÇÕES ao Final da Atividade:
"Ao final da atividade, será disponibilizado um link para um formulário de inscrição, cujos dados serão utilizados para o registro de presença e a emissão dos certificados de participação" CIVAC-LETRAS/UEPG.

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2020

Convido a todxs que gostariam de discutir a Complexidade na Área de Ensino e Aprendizagem de Línguas e/ou que teriam interesse em conhecer esse campo instigante da Linguística Aplicada a participar das reflexões do meu Grupo de Pesquisa/CNPq/PPGEL/UEPG "LinC - Linguagem e Complexidade".

Teremos uma semana (01 a 05/06) de discussões remotas (via Google Meet: endereço de acesso no cartaz), de participação gratuita, e com emissão de certificado via o Colegiado dos Cursos de Letras da UEPG.

Será um enorme prazer tê-lxs conosco 😁

01/06: O que é a Teoria da Complexidade?
Profa. Dra. Elaine Borges – DEEL/PPGEL/UEPG
14h30 no Google Meet: meet.google.com/pwy-ctoa-kim

02/06: Complexidade e Sistema Adaptativo Complexo
Grupo LinC (Elaine, Ana Letícia, Bhianca e Claudio) – DEEL/PPGEL/UEPG
14h30 no Google Meet: meet.google.com/ckx-tsdy-iei

03/06: Complexidade e Métodos/Abordagens de Ensino de Línguas
Claudio Baranhuke – Mestrando PPGEL/UEPG
10h30 no Google Meet: meet.google.com/het-cfpo-mff

04/06: Complexidade e Planejamentos de Ensino de Línguas
Bhianca Moro – Mestranda PPGEL/UEPG
14h30 no Google Meet: meet.google.com/qoy-khhz-mzk

05/06: Complexidade e Desempenhos na Linguagem
Ana Letícia Oliveira– Mestranda PPGEL/UEPG/CAPES
14h30 no Google Meet: meet.google.com/cir-jfnp-gdt